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Suncoast Repertory Theatre

The 2006 Production of Shakespeare's “Macbeth

Macbeth - Current Script

Version 3 - as at 16th February 2006

You can download the current version of the script in several formats - the PDF and word versions are replete with page numbers.

Download the document by right-clicking on the link of your choice and choosing "save target as..." in IE or "save link as..." in Firefox:-

Adobe Acrobat (PDF) format Adobe Acrobat (PDF) format 278KB
Word (microsoft ® word) (DOC) format Word (microsoft ® word) (DOC) format 339KB
Rich Text Format (RTF) Rich Text Format (RTF) 268KB - NB no page numbers on this version
Plain Text Format (TXT) Plain Text Format (TXT) 92KB - NB no page numbers on this version


welcome director's notes dates rehearsal schedule cast & crew script

This document ( was last updated: Thursday February 02 2006